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More Than Apathy: Voter Participation of 18- to 24-Year-Olds

This is a research paper that I completed for my Political Science Senior Seminar Course. It explores the concept of voter participation, and more accurately the lack of voter participation, of young adults since eighteen-year-old citizens in the United States were guaranteed the right to vote by the Twenty-Sixth Amendment in 1971. It includes a detailed analysis of why young adults do not vote as much as older adults in addition to visual representations of the results that were discovered through research.

UNC Wilmington College of Arts and Sciences Research Instrument

This document was provided for Dr. Volety, dean of the UNC Wilmington College of Arts and Sciences, a client I worked with in my Public Relations II course. It details the exact measures my group took in order to research the information that he requested from us in order to accomplish his goal of maintaining a better relationship between the College and the community.

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